
Anime Fate Series How Does Emiya Become Archer

Anime Fate Series How Does Emiya Become Archer

Two of them... and only one soul

Two of them... and only one soul

About less then l% of article is recap from anime, my opinion of Rin's thoughts, just information technology has strong betoken in connexion and then read it all...

Connection of Archer and Rin:
Why Rin summoned Archer- Heroic spirit Emiya?
In order to summon a servant you demand catalyst (something that he possessed in by, something precious).
Shiro was wounded by Lancer and was near expiry, hopefully Rin made it in fourth dimension to heal his would with her precious jewel that was passed down in her family in generations. After she was done healing him she regrouped with Archer and they went home. She left that used upwardly jewel, with no mana in it. When Shiro woke up he wondered how could he survive that stab in his middle. And so he noticed that jewel... he could remember that someone saved his life but he was almost unconscious and so he simply knows that that person used this precious stone to relieve him... He took it with him every bit lucky amuse. When Rin woke upward next morning time, in anime we could run into that she constitute that same jewel in her bed... She was sure she left information technology. My opinion that Rin and Archer were having fun in bed, or Archer saw how Rin was looking sweet and lied beside her. *your pick on this* As story went yous could see how Rin was bothered past something. She was suspicious almost Archer... I mean he couldn't remember his name, she could never find in history books or so that some servant similar that projected. Then she wanted then to try out something. She moved in Shiro's firm... Because he was lazy sorcerer and they were in truce she wanted to make him more than capable for fighting. And then Saber trained him and Rin was didactics him how to use magic, equally you all know. Because strengthening was his only magic he was capable of she told him to exercise projection. Information technology was tough for him, simply in the fight with Berserker he projected Saber's lost sword Caliburn... Rin was amazed how he could project something like that, permit lonely survive after using that twice? That projection was perfect copy... so she thought that he is mayhap.....
As the story further went the fight with Caster appeared... Shiro for that fight projected Kanshou and Bakuya. U can see expression on Rin's confront when she saw that Shiro 100% perfectly, without whatsoever difficulties, projected them. And so then she probably thought, Shiro is Archer.

Things that has relation with Shiro beingness Archer:
*Shiro was in past part of Archery club.
*His fighting manner was the same as Archers. The trouble is that he hasn't saw Archer fighting, merely gap of fight with Lancer.
*Shiro kept that precious stone as his most precious detail and kept it with him his whole life... That is why I explained about catalyst. The goad this time is that precious stone... Shiro kept him with him even in his darkest times of his life, when he became Hero of Justice. Rin was only using it equally backup if she would lack mana then the summoning would be perfect, that is why she could summon only Heroic Spirit Emiya.
*When Archer saw Rin maybe he knew all the time who he was, just he didn't want to tell Rin because this was fourth dimension when there is some other him Shiro. He wasn't happy that he became Hero of Justice... he was agree at himself that he was fool thinking that he could save thousands of lives. He was going berserk, killing thousand people to relieve one... in the end he died in running ahead his ideal. So good thing happened to him. He became Heroic Spirit and he was summoned in the aforementioned fourth dimension where his young self was living. Then he fabricated his listen up, that he will try doing annihilation to finish present Emiya Shiro condign Hero of Justice. That is why he was arrogant and negative about Shiros platonic and his way of thinking. He was having doubts in whole anime if he should just kill himself, but he was wounded by Saber and was weak so he didn't try doing something stupid that could end up getting himself killed by Saber, so he in truce remained calm and watched Shiro from distance and tried to make him realise throw words. That is why he when he saw Shiro how he cared about Saber's life but, his beloved girl, but mostly because he wanted that his dear Rin lives. So he couldn't care less by beingness allurement. His wish was but to impale himself, but he had good feeling that he wont become similar himself. Shiro dropped his ideal and was only saving those that could be saved... In the end when Shiro said that he will always remember in his heart that he loved person named Saber. In that key moment we could see that he dropped his ideal for his loved ane, that he will pursuit her till the end of the earth just to be with her, fifty-fifty that he knew that isn't possible.

Archer is Shirou who came from a parallel universe and from the future. He lived his life about like Shirou did only unfortunately he never got close to Saber, Rin or Sakura.
He continued to believe his believings and that eventually saved many by killing many and thus when he realised it he became bitter. Also the people he saved eventually betrayed him and that atomic number 82 to his devastation. He besides was kind of underdog of the people who started a war and he was between and he was jailed.
One-time in the middle of this he made a pact with the world and gained power, thus he became a 'heroic spirit' and was able to be summoned. (Really he became a counter-guardian... But that is another matter for now.)

So he was betrayed, jailed and his believes killed him eventually and so he wished that if there would be a 0.1% chance that he could make a time to come that is not like his then he would sacrifice everything to brand this time to come.

And he wasn't shocked that he met Shiro since he wished to meet him eventually simply he was shocked that he saw Saber and that's why he was unable to block her first attack. And Saber eventually thought he was mocking her knightship.

Emiya Shiro accepting his fate

Emiya Shiro accepting his fate

Anime Fate Series How Does Emiya Become Archer


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